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box_stitch_special_scarf [2023/07/19 23:20] – created 5yarner9box_stitch_special_scarf [2023/11/19 02:14] (current) 5yarner9
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 +(The full pattern for this can be purchased for $5 via my Etsy or Ravelry shops, links to the left.)
 I realized the "Box Stitch Special" pattern could easily be adapted into a wearable scarf or muffler, so I thought I'd go ahead and include it here, and this can be kind of like a free intro into the whole blanket. Please bear in mind the picture is of a folded lap throw and does not show the beginning rows.\\ I realized the "Box Stitch Special" pattern could easily be adapted into a wearable scarf or muffler, so I thought I'd go ahead and include it here, and this can be kind of like a free intro into the whole blanket. Please bear in mind the picture is of a folded lap throw and does not show the beginning rows.\\
box_stitch_special_scarf.1689808816.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/19 23:20 by 5yarner9
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