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blanket_patterns [2023/03/02 18:16] – created 5yarner9blanket_patterns [2023/07/19 21:19] (current) 5yarner9
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-There's no such thing as an original thoughtmine included. I have pages and pages of ideas I'd like to turn into creations some time but time is not in my favor. I have managed a few so far and here are the blankets I was inspired to make, and wrote up in pattern form as well.+They say there's no such thing as an original ideaand I know in my case that's true, but I do get a lot of inspiration from various things I see. I have pages and pages of ideas I'd like to turn into creations some time but time is not in my favor. I have managed a few so far and here are the blankets I was inspired to make, and wrote up in pattern form as well. 
 +^  [['Owling Granny]]      ^  [[Box Stitch Special]]  ^    
 +|  {{ :owls1-t.jpg?nolink&200 |  }}    |  {{ :bss-pattern-t.jpg?nolink&200 |  }}    |  
-^  [['Owling Granny]]      ^  A Rugged Throw  ^    
-|  {{ :owls1-t.jpg?nolink&200 |  }}    |  Forthcoming    |  
blanket_patterns.1677781006.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/02 18:16 by 5yarner9
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